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Providing a range of wellbeing resources and committing to growing and sharing these with employees and the collective offers multiple and real opportunities to enhance employee wellbeing and grow collective wellbeing capacity.
Building a wellbeing culture supports the occupational health and wellbeing of employees. The desire to contribute and make a positive impact on the organisations in which we work, and on the society in which we live, leads to occupational wellbeing.
Supporting mental health and wellbeing refers to the appropriate supports required to create and maintain mental health and holistic wellbeing. The department supports employees by providing information and services aimed at enhancing all dimensions of wellbeing.
The department supports employee wellbeing by adopting and promoting strategic directions and systematic approaches based on evidence, data and employee feedback. The department resources quality programs aligned to needs assessment, data analysis and consultation. How can we make a difference?
The collective refers to those who make up the social capital that employees have access to, and are themselves an active part and includes: principals; teachers; support staff; department officers; managers; students; parents; and community members. The collective support one another to flourish. How do you positively impact on and support employee wellbeing?
Individual employees play a key role in their own wellbeing. All employees are encouraged to engage in the maintenance of their wellbeing, access suitable resources and have a planned approach to wellbeing. How are you looking after your wellbeing today?
Positive principal wellbeing plays a significant role in the wellbeing of staff, the academic and social performance of students; and, the overall success of the school. The Northern Territory Department of Education is committed to principal wellbeing and values supporting principals to flourish in their roles.
When teachers are at their best, students are at their best. The Northern Territory Department of Education is committed to teacher wellbeing and values supporting teachers to flourish in their roles.
The Northern Territory Department of Education is committed to supporting the wellbeing of all staff and values supporting employees to flourish in their roles.

Interactive image: Education NT Employee Wellbeing Framework Model

Employee Wellbeing

Flourishing Employees

The Northern Territory Department of Education is committed to employee wellbeing and values supporting school leaders, principals, teachers and support staff to flourish in their roles.

Education NT Employee Wellbeing Framework A3 Poster [PDF]

Education NT Employee Wellbeing Framework Model Narrative [DOC]

Principal and School Leader Wellbeing

Flourishing Principals and School Leaders

The Northern Territory Department of Education is committed to principal and school leader wellbeing and values supporting our leaders to flourish in their roles.

Education NT Principal Wellbeing Framework [PDF]

Education NT Principal Wellbeing Framework A3 Poster [PDF]

Education NT School Leader Wellbeing Action Plan 2021-25 A3 Poster [PDF]

Teacher Wellbeing

Flourishing Teachers

The Northern Territory Department of Education recognises that effective teachers are the most important in-school factor contributing to student achievement and are committed to supporting the wellbeing of our teaching workforce. 

We know that, when teachers are at their best, students are at their best.

Education NT Teacher Wellbeing Strategy 2019-22 [PDF]  

Education NT Teacher Wellbeing Strategy Priority Areas and Actions  A3 Poster [PDF] 

Northern Territory Teachers' Occupational Health and Wellbeing Survey 2019 Data Summary [PDF] 

Enablers of Wellbeing

Growing Wellbeing Capability

Providing a range of wellbeing resources and committing to growing and sharing these with employees and the collective offers multiple and real opportunities to enhance employee wellbeing and grow collective wellbeing capability.

Building Wellbeing Culture

Building a wellbeing culture supports the occupational wellbeing of employees. The desire to contribute and make a positive impact on the organisations in which we work, and on the society in which we live, leads to occupational wellbeing.

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing

Supporting mental health and wellbeing refers to the appropriate supports required to create and maintain mental health and holistic wellbeing. The department supports employees by providing information and services aimed at enhancing all dimensions of wellbeing.



Individual employees play a key role in their own wellbeing. All employees are encouraged to engage in the maintenance of their wellbeing, access suitable resources and have a planned approach to wellbeing.

How are you looking after your wellbeing today?


The collective refers to those who make up the social capital that employees have access to, and are themselves an active part, and includes: principals; teachers; support staff; department officers; managers; students; parents; and, community members. The collective invest in and support all employees to flourish.

How do you positively impact on and support employee wellbeing?


The department supports employee wellbeing by adopting and promoting strategic directions and systemic approaches based on evidence, data and principal feedback. The department resources quality programs aligned to needs assessment, data analysis and consultation.

How can we make a difference?

The Five Dimensions of Wellbeing


Emotional wellbeing relates to self-awareness and emotional regulation. It includes how well we cope, and is often reflected by the level of a person’s resilience. Emotional wellbeing is in part informed by our capacity for self-reflection.

Learn more about Emotional wellbeing 


Social wellbeing includes the extent to which we experience positive relationships and connectedness to others. This includes relationships both in and beyond the workplace. It encompasses the quality and availability of an individual’s social capital and is important for pro-social behaviour, trust, and empathy towards others.

Learn more about Social Wellbeing


Spiritual wellbeing relates to our sense of life-meaning and purpose. It can include our connection to culture, community, spirituality and/or religiosity and includes the beliefs, values, mental models and ethics we hold.

Learn more about Spiritual Wellbeing


Physical wellbeing is one of the most important dimensions of wellbeing. Without physical wellbeing we struggle to perform our daily tasks and activities.

Learn more about Physical Wellbeing


Mental wellbeing is associated with achievement and success. It includes how information is processed and how judgements are made. It is also informed by motivation and persistence to achieve. Mental wellbeing is important for attaining knowledge and experiencing positive growth.

Learn more about Mental Wellbeing

Planning for Wellbeing

Discover the 5 Step Process

Wellbeing Planning template for download

Critical Incidents 

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Case Studies

Northern Territory Principals Association

Professional Teachers' Association of the Northern Territory

Feedback and Suggestions